#13 — Escape The 9–5 (Season 2 Pilot) — Daniel Topor & Anita Musca

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#13 - Escape The 9-5 (Season 2 Pilot) - Daniel Topor & Anita Musca
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#13 — Escape The 9–5 (Sea­son 2 Pilot) — Daniel Topor & Ani­ta Musca

In May 2024, my wife Ani­ta and I decid­ed to ditch the cubi­cle life, escape the 9–5 and embrace our inner wan­der­lust. We rent­ed out our house, packed up our essen­tials (and a few non-essen­tials), and hit the road in our car and car­a­van. Oh, and we brought along our dog Wal­ly and our cat Paprika—because why not?

Why did we make this rad­i­cal change? Well, the midlife cri­sis came ear­ly, and we fig­ured why wait until our 50s to have a melt­down? The call of the wild (and a strong desire to escape end­less Zoom meet­ings) was too pow­er­ful to resist.

Nat­u­ral­ly, this leap of faith has brought its share of eye­brow-rais­ing moments—from our own doubts to the “Are you crazy?” looks from fam­i­ly and friends. But hey, if you’re not ques­tion­ing your san­i­ty, are you real­ly living?

Sea­son 2 is going to be rad­i­cal­ly dif­fer­ent. We’re shak­ing things up with a new set­ting, fresh for­mat, and top­ics that’ll make you rethink your 9‑to‑5 grind…or even just escape the 9–5.

I’m part­ner­ing with my wife, Ani­ta Mus­ca, a cer­ti­fied holis­tic coach and fel­low cor­po­rate escapee, to give you an unfil­tered view of what it takes to seize your des­tiny and prove that yes, you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Is it smooth sail­ing? Spoil­er alert: not always. But that’s what makes it an adventure!

This pilot episode is your sneak peek into the can­did, some­times hilar­i­ous con­ver­sa­tions we’ll be hav­ing and the per­son­al sto­ries we’ll be sharing.

Buck­le up for Episode 13—let’s get this show on the road!

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