#11 — Lloyd Thompson — From Corporate to Entrepreneur, Manager vs Leader, Big Decisions from the Gut

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#11 - Lloyd Thompson - From Corporate to Entrepreneur, Manager vs Leader, Big Decisions from the Gut
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#11 — Lloyd Thomp­son — From Cor­po­rate to Entre­pre­neur, Man­ag­er vs Leader, Big Deci­sions from the Gut

Lloy­d’s jour­ney is a tes­ta­ment to the pow­er of trans­for­ma­tion from cor­po­rate to entre­pre­neur. Com­ing from a work­ing-class back­ground in the UK, Lloy­d’s life took a pro­found turn when a pan­ic attack forced him to reeval­u­ate his path. This life-alter­ing moment prompt­ed him to bid farewell to the cor­po­rate grind and set out on the entre­pre­neur­ial adven­ture of a lifetime.

In this episode, we dive into his jour­ney and discuss:

- How to make the jump from cor­po­rate to entrepreneur

- Work­ing in cor­po­rate vs own­ing a business

- How a pan­ic attack changed Lloy­d’s life and pro­fes­sion­al direction

- Lessons from a pan­ic attack

- Lis­ten­ing to your gut vs head on big life decisions

- Ayahuas­ca expe­ri­ence and how plant med­i­cine changed one’s life

- Impor­tance of find­ing your ‘why’

- Dif­fer­ence between a leader vs manager

- Being a Direc­tor of Oper­a­tions and outsourcing

A Little More About Lloyd Thompson

Since the pan­ic attack and decid­ing to lis­ten to his gut and make a fun­da­men­tal change in his life, Lloyd has launched his own suc­cess­ful out­sourced Direc­tor of Oper­a­tions busi­ness, Vir­tu­al­DOO, and defied the odds by not los­ing all his hair in the process.

He’s big on under­stand­ing the ‘why’ and inte­grat­ing Sto­icism and Bud­dhism belief sys­tems into every­day work­ing life, and is pas­sion­ate about mak­ing a dif­fer­ence to busi­ness own­ers around the globe.

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Episode Chapters

0:00 Teas­er

0:42 Intro

2:05 Lloyd’s cor­po­rate days

8:10 The pan­ic attack

11:30 Lessons from the pan­ic attack 1

13:20 Lis­ten­ing to your gut (vs head)

15:40 Cor­po­rate vs entre­pre­neur­ial path

19:50 Our dif­fer­ences are our strength

24:45 Lessons from the pan­ic attack 2

27:45 Jour­ney­ing into Ayahuasca

35:05 Impor­tance of find­ing your ‘why’

41:50 Lead­ers vs managers

43:50 Being a Direc­tor of Operations

50:50 Tran­si­tion advice from corporate

54:38 What’s next for Lloyd

55:40 How to find Lloyd

56:20 Out­ro, sum­ma­ry and CTA