#8 — Kerry-Ann Powell — Small Business Success in a Recession, How to Build a Killer Team

Kerry-Ann is a global CHAMPION of small and medium enterprise and is passionate about small business success!
She believes running an SME doesn’t need to involve a tornado of chaos, and she wants all of us to know there is a better way to do business!
In this episode we chat about:
- Why small and medium entreprises are vital to the global economy
- How you can turn an economic crisis into an opportunity
- How to maintain consistent cashflow during a recession, or in uncertain times
- How to cultivate and attract the right business partners
- Importance of business partnerships, especially for small businesses
- How to build successful teams as an entrepreneur
- Exiting the echo chamber to smash your targets
- Fundamentals of scale vs growth
- Government influence and how lobbying can affect the business landscape
- Aligning your higher purpose to your business self
- Kerry Ann’s inspirational journey in fundraising the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
On a personal level i’m looking forward to speaking with someone so fiercely passionate about ‘the little person’ because after all, hundreds of millions of us fellow humans run, or work for, a small/medium business, and there’s always something new to learn.
A Little More About Kerry-Ann
Kerry-Ann’s got 20 years under her belt as a Washington attorney, lobbyist and fundraising leader…and fair to say she’s proper big-time, having raised a staggering $120m to build the Martin Luther King Jr memorial in DC.
These days Kerry-Ann is a global speaker and CEO of Trafalgar Strategies, a global strategic advisory and business consulting firm.
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Episode Chapters
0:00 Teaser
1:16 Intro
3:08 Kerry-Ann’s connection to SMEs
8:46 Teach children business foundations
13:16 Why SMEs are Vital
17:16 Government influence and lobbying
25:16 Consistent cashflow in uncertain times
27:40 Partnerships are essential
28:56 (Economic) Crisis to opportunity
41:16 Building successful teams
44:16 Exit the echo chamber
45:56 Thriving with a higher purpose
48:16 Scale vs Growth
54:16 Fundraising $120m Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
68:00 Life advice for 20yo self
71:16 CTA & how to connect