#7 — Nicky Billou — Thought Leadership, How To Win Big Decisively, Importance of Free Enterprise

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#7 - Nicky Billou - Thought Leadership, How To Win Big Decisively, Importance of Free Enterprise
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#7 — Nicky Bil­lou — Thought Lead­er­ship, How To Win Big Deci­sive­ly, Impor­tance of Free Enterprise

In Episode 7 get ready to be cap­ti­vat­ed as I sit down with Nicky Bil­lou and talk thought leadership.

Pic­ture this, hav­ing escaped a tyran­ni­cal Mid­dle East­ern regime in his ear­ly years, Nicky has spent the last 20 years unrav­el­ling the secrets of champions!

In this episode we chat about: 

- What it takes to be a suc­cess­ful thought leader

- Why thought lead­er­ship is valuable

- Why free­dom and free enter­prise are vital to inno­va­tion and soci­etal growth 

- 4 Qual­i­ties to win big in life and win in business 

- How to suc­cess­ful­ly man­age the suc­cess mindset 

- Man­ag­ing the dance between deci­sive­ness and resourcefulness 

- Grind­ing live vs chill life 

- How faith or high­er pur­pose can dri­ve busi­ness success 

- Nick­y’s back­ground in flee­ing tyran­ny and why he’s so damn passionate!

A Little More About Nicky

As the host of the Thought Leader Rev­o­lu­tion pod­cast, Nicky has had the priv­i­lege of inter­view­ing hun­dreds of the world’s top thought lead­ers, includ­ing astro­nauts, bil­lion­aires, super­mod­els and every­one in between, where he’s uncov­ered their strate­gies for win­ning and win­ning big. 

Talk about learn­ing from the best, eh? 

Just like Nicky, I too emerged from a dark cor­ner of the world, which instant­ly forged a con­nec­tion between us. His pas­sion for free­dom, free enter­prise, and help­ing peo­ple tap into their bound­less poten­tial res­onates deeply with me, and togeth­er, i’m pumped to explore what’s tru­ly possible.

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