#9 — Kaley Chu — How to Build Self-Confidence, Power of Human Connection, Exiting the Comfort Zone

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#9 - Kaley Chu - How to Build Self-Confidence, Power of Human Connection, Exiting the Comfort Zone
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#9 — Kaley Chu — How to Build Self-Con­fi­dence, Pow­er of Human Con­nec­tion, Exit­ing the Com­fort Zone

Kaley Chu is a super­star at build­ing self-confidence!

Hav­ing found her­self in a humil­i­at­ing sit­u­a­tion because of lack of con­fi­dence, a few years ago Kaley decid­ed to push her lim­its and set forth a chal­lenge — to have lunch with 100 strangers.

As they say, the rest is his­to­ry. Kaley has since pub­lished a best-sell­ing book, estab­lished her­self as a glob­al Moti­va­tion­al speak­er, coach and all-round entre­pre­neur­ial Cham­pi­on, hav­ing graced TV screens, radio sta­tions and the famous TedX stage

In this episode we chat about:

- How to build self-con­fi­dence effec­tive­ly and improve your confidence

- Fos­ter­ing human con­nec­tions to super­charge your career

- Step­ping out of your com­fort zone and what paths can open up

- Find­ing your call­ing on the jour­ney of life

- How to become a pub­lic speaker

- Impor­tance of diver­si­fy­ing your skillset

- How to adopt a ‘suc­cess mindset’

A Little More About Kaley Chu

Fair to say Kaley is an inspir­ing young woman, I par­tic­u­lar­ly love how she’s now giv­ing back, pas­sion­ate­ly help­ing peo­ple to step out of their com­fort zone, con­nect and unleash their potential.

Truth be told, Kaley actu­al­ly approached me back in 2019 to have lunch. At the time I was­nt in the best place deal­ing with numer­ous chal­lenges of my own so I passed up the oppor­tu­ni­ty, but i’m glad we’ve had a chance to recon­nect now in 2023 and can’t wait to delve into her jour­ney and extract some her nuggets of wis­dom for all of us!

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Episode Chapters

0:00 Teas­er

0:57 Intro­duc­tion

2:38 Why Kaley changed her life

5:50 How Kaley became a moti­va­tion­al speaker

10:00 What’s it like to pub­lic speak?

11:20 Step­ping out of the com­fort zone

15:00 Wing­ing it through the bumps

16:40 Find­ing your call­ing on the journey

24:10 Diver­si­fy­ing skills to de-risk

29:10 Impor­tance of mindset

30:25 What if you did­n’t go for it?

33:40 You nev­er know who you’ll meet

38:10 How to improve your self-confidence

41:40 How to find Kaley

43:08 Clos­ing summary