#12 — Lusher Paul — Survive and Never Give Up, Biz Is Tough…You’re Tougher, Trust In The Higher Powers

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#12 - Lusher Paul - Survive and Never Give Up, Biz Is Tough...You're Tougher, Trust In The Higher Powers
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#12 — Lush­er Paul — Sur­vive and Nev­er Give Up, Biz Is Tough…You’re Tougher, Trust In The High­er Powers

In our sea­son finale I bring you a deeply mov­ing sto­ry of tenac­i­ty and the unyield­ing spir­it to not only sur­vive and nev­er give up, but also tri­umph over life’s cru­elest adversities

Enter the world of Lush­er Paul, a remark­able young man hail­ing from Kib­era, Kenya. 

Lush­er’s ear­ly years were shad­owed by pro­found loss—losing his par­ents dur­ing pri­ma­ry school he was left to fend for him­self as his extend­ed fam­i­ly turned away.. He became what he calls a ‘street boy’ — hus­tling and sell­ing scrap met­al and smokes to stay alive. Every hard-earned coin went towards sus­te­nance, and what­ev­er remained, he self­less­ly used to aid his community. 

Bat­tling inner demons and a tumul­tuous edu­ca­tion­al jour­ney, Lush­er faced the dark­est cor­ners of life, even attempt­ing sui­cide before real­iz­ing the need for a dif­fer­ent path.

In the face of despair, Lush­er turned to the heal­ing pow­ers of music and dance, birthing a wed­ding MC/DJ busi­ness that not only sus­tained him but became a tes­ta­ment to the trans­for­ma­tive pow­er of human resilience.

Lush­er’s sto­ry is unde­ni­ably heart­break­ing, yet it embod­ies the most potent essence of the human spirit—to not mere­ly sur­vive but to inspire and, against all odds, thrive.

In this episode, we embark on a pro­found jour­ney into Lush­er’s life and explor­ing the lessons he’s gar­nered along the way. In these chal­leng­ing times, his nar­ra­tive serves as a pow­er­ful reminder of the indomitable strength with­in us all.

A Little More About Lusher Paul

Through an intro­duc­tion from my wife which is a remark­able sto­ry in itself, our paths crossed this year, and I can whole­heart­ed­ly attest that he is one of the most inspir­ing souls I’ve ever had the plea­sure of knowing.

Today, Lush­er stands not just as a suc­cess­ful busi­ness­man but as a bea­con of hope and inspi­ra­tion in his com­mu­ni­ty. As he builds upon his pro­fes­sion­al momen­tum, Lush­er has aspi­ra­tions to enter pol­i­tics with his ulti­mate goal being to cre­ate authen­tic change and give back to the place he calls home.

Equal parts heart­break­ing yet inspir­ing, these are sto­ries and lessons not to be missed!

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Episode Chapters

0:00 — Teaser

1:30  — Intro

3:50 — Mak­ing life-chang­ing friends

12:35 — The hus­tle life

17:53 — Learn­ing to bust some moves

19:35 — Life tak­ing a dark turn

20:25 — Armed rob­bery to near-death-experience

25:00 — Spared by God?

26:25 — Turn­ing life around…for good

31:05 — Nev­er give up, find your spirit

35:05 — Becom­ing a musi­cal businessman

39:45 — Let’s change The System…and Kenya

45:35 — Lusher’s top 2 biz insights

48:45 — Believe in that high­er power

50:05 — A per­son­alised improv song by Lusher

53:35 — Clos­ing thoughts

55:40 — CTA and out­ro, thank you!