Something really special happened in the lead up to, and recording of this episode.
I don’t know if there’s a term for this, but i’ll try to describe it as best I can in a paragraph or four.
I’ve always admired Marishka (Mish) for her professionalism, stature, ability to balance a high-powered career with being an (awesome) DJ, radio host, mentor and event organiser. When you have a deep insight into what someone does as their day job, and it’s Director-level at the Big4 — this person ain’t stuffing around.
So although i’ve known Mish for eight-odd years, I have only ever connected with her as Mish the strategy goal-kicker, or Mish the DJ, or Mish the friend-of-a-friend-that’s-kicking-arse. I wasn’t so much intimidated but probably in a subconscious effort to measure up, I had a mask on (even on a dancefloor) and that prevented me from connecting to Mish as a PERSON.
That is what changed in doing this episode.
And it unlocked not only the true potential of our friendship, but also the magic connection in going deep on important topics.
Because if you aren’t comfortable with each other, if you don’t trust each other, then the conversation is bound to be surface-level.
I want to take a second to celebrate this — because it’s a lesson we can all learn in our interactions with other people.
We aren’t our job titles or achievements, we are flesh and blood, we’re living creatures that have a soul. All of us. We can offer the world more than our professional mask. Let’s celebrate our human connectivity on a deeper level so we can unlock the potential relationships that live deep inside us!
Speaking of unlocking things, I want to also highlight and celebrate the key theme of this episode — being ‘different’ and standing out is something to be celebrated and promoted.
We’re no doubt familiar with celebrities that got teased for being different when they were young, like Lady Gaga. You know…this whole notion of sticking your head out, standing out and doing something different and other people’s hangups (sometimes savagely) bringing you down?
Mish got it in corporate. I got it too in the past. You may have as well. We can’t change the past but I have a great feeling we’re changing the present and the future!
How? Well, when you have senior corporate leaders like Mish drawing a line in the sand, dying her hair blue, performing at a major festival and owning it publically, with pride…with action, that’s how. And guess what…the work performance didn’t fall either.
Moral of the story? You are different. You are unique. You’re ok to be standing out. Celebrate this and give others the space to do the same. Through our differences can we can drawn on the strengths of the rich tapestries that are our life, for the betterment of ourselves and others.
And now a final note…
We modern humans live in a prison of perfection. Whether it’s our jobs, our personal lives, our appearance…even our spiritual selves — so many of us try to compare and match up to the others we see around us. This is not how it should be. It’s unhealthy, it’s damaging and it will never be ‘enough’.
There will always be someone more richer, more famous, more spiritual (is that even a thing?!), more polished — so just remember that YOU bring something unique to the table, you are the master of YOUR life and through your uniqueness YOU ARE ENOUGH.
By all means, like Mish said, try and try hard to be awesome at something. But don’t let it consume the entirety of your mind, heart and soul. Because if it does, you’ll miss the journey in between. And that’s most of the fun.
With deep love and affection, may success be with you!
Listen to episode ->‑marishka-mishchief-cross-standing-out-integrating-yourself-flicking-mediocrity/
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