#3 — Marishka ‘Mish’Chief’ Cross — Standing Out, Integrating Yourself, & Flicking Mediocrity

Some­thing real­ly spe­cial hap­pened in the lead up to, and record­ing of this episode.

I don’t know if there’s a term for this, but i’ll try to describe it as best I can in a para­graph or four.

I’ve always admired Mar­ish­ka (Mish) for her pro­fes­sion­al­ism, stature, abil­i­ty to bal­ance a high-pow­ered career with being an (awe­some) DJ, radio host, men­tor and event organ­is­er. When you have a deep insight into what some­one does as their day job, and it’s Direc­tor-lev­el at the Big4 — this per­son ain’t stuff­ing around.

So although i’ve known Mish for eight-odd years, I have only ever con­nect­ed with her as Mish the strat­e­gy goal-kick­er, or Mish the DJ, or Mish the friend-of-a-friend-that’s-kick­ing-arse. I was­n’t so much intim­i­dat­ed but prob­a­bly in a sub­con­scious effort to mea­sure up, I had a mask on (even on a dance­floor) and that pre­vent­ed me from con­nect­ing to Mish as a PERSON.

That is what changed in doing this episode. 

And it unlocked not only the true poten­tial of our friend­ship, but also the mag­ic con­nec­tion in going deep on impor­tant topics. 

Because if you aren’t com­fort­able with each oth­er, if you don’t trust each oth­er, then the con­ver­sa­tion is bound to be surface-level.

I want to take a sec­ond to cel­e­brate this — because it’s a les­son we can all learn in our inter­ac­tions with oth­er people. 

We aren’t our job titles or achieve­ments, we are flesh and blood, we’re liv­ing crea­tures that have a soul. All of us. We can offer the world more than our pro­fes­sion­al mask. Let’s cel­e­brate our human con­nec­tiv­i­ty on a deep­er lev­el so we can unlock the poten­tial rela­tion­ships that live deep inside us!

Speak­ing of unlock­ing things, I want to also high­light and cel­e­brate the key theme of this episode — being ‘dif­fer­ent’ and stand­ing out is some­thing to be cel­e­brat­ed and promoted.

We’re no doubt famil­iar with celebri­ties that got teased for being dif­fer­ent when they were young, like Lady Gaga. You know…this whole notion of stick­ing your head out, stand­ing out and doing some­thing dif­fer­ent and oth­er people’s hangups (some­times sav­age­ly) bring­ing you down?

Mish got it in cor­po­rate. I got it too in the past. You may have as well. We can’t change the past but I have a great feel­ing we’re chang­ing the present and the future!

How? Well, when you have senior cor­po­rate lead­ers like Mish draw­ing a line in the sand, dying her hair blue, per­form­ing at a major fes­ti­val and own­ing it pub­li­cal­ly, with pride…with action, that’s how. And guess what…the work per­for­mance didn’t fall either. 

Moral of the sto­ry? You are dif­fer­ent. You are unique. You’re ok to be stand­ing out. Cel­e­brate this and give oth­ers the space to do the same. Through our dif­fer­ences can we can drawn on the strengths of the rich tapes­tries that are our life, for the bet­ter­ment of our­selves and others.

And now a final note…

We mod­ern humans live in a prison of per­fec­tion. Whether it’s our jobs, our per­son­al lives, our appearance…even our spir­i­tu­al selves — so many of us try to com­pare and match up to the oth­ers we see around us. This is not how it should be. It’s unhealthy, it’s dam­ag­ing and it will nev­er be ‘enough’. 

There will always be some­one more rich­er, more famous, more spir­i­tu­al (is that even a thing?!), more pol­ished — so just remem­ber that YOU bring some­thing unique to the table, you are the mas­ter of YOUR life and through your unique­ness YOU ARE ENOUGH. 

By all means, like Mish said, try and try hard to be awe­some at some­thing. But don’t let it con­sume the entire­ty of your mind, heart and soul. Because if it does, you’ll miss the jour­ney in between. And that’s most of the fun.

With deep love and affec­tion, may suc­cess be with you!

Lis­ten to episode -> https://www.dancingwithdoubt.com/podcast/3‑marishka-mishchief-cross-standing-out-integrating-yourself-flicking-mediocrity/

Watch episode on YouTube -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ais4FHkQblw

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