#3 — Marishka ‘Mish’Chief’ Cross — Big4 Leadership and Celebrating The Side Hustle

The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
#3 - Marishka 'Mish'Chief' Cross - Big4 Leadership and Celebrating The Side Hustle
The Dancing With Doubt Podcast
The Danc­ing With Doubt Podcast 
#3 — Mar­ish­ka ‘Mish’Chief’ Cross — Big4 Lead­er­ship and Cel­e­brat­ing The Side Hustle

In Episode 3 I sit down with my friend Mar­ish­ka Cross (Mish), a high­ly-sea­soned strat­e­gy mae­stro with a seri­ous side hus­tle wild side! 

In this pod­cast episode, we delve into:

- Inte­grat­ing your busi­ness iden­ti­ty with your per­son­al identity 

- Find­ing and cel­e­brat­ing your cre­ative self 

- Find­ing the courage to stand out and live true to your passions 

- Cel­e­brat­ing excel­lence and not set­tling for mediocrity 

- How to stop being mediocre with life decisions

- How to jug­gle work life bal­ance and a side hustle 

- Liv­ing authen­ti­cal­ly and in-the-moment 

- Cor­po­rate life as a strat­e­gy leader 

- Evo­lu­tion of cor­po­rate lead­er­ship at a Big4 account­ing firm

By day Mish is a Direc­tor of Sales and Pur­suits at Deloitte. 

By night Mish hosts a radio show at KISSFM and is a well-loved DJ per­form­ing under the name Mish’Chief, where she reg­u­lar­ly bangs out beau­ti­ful­ly melod­ic tech­no sets at fes­ti­vals and clubs across Australia.

I per­son­al­ly know Mish from when we met on a dance­floor about 8 years ago. Although the exact time and place has escaped me, our con­nec­tion from the very first inter­ac­tion has not!

She’s bright, viva­cious and also a wise soul, which reflects beau­ti­ful­ly in Episode 3.

So for me this is a real­ly deep dive into man­ag­ing the dance between all those beau­ti­ful and diverse ele­ments that make up our authen­tic selves!

If you enjoy this episode we’d real­ly appre­ci­ate your feed­back — give us a like, com­ment and share and be sure to sub­scribe to our YouTube chan­nel for more inspir­ing and moti­va­tion­al pod­cast episodes

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